A band named BRNDA keeps the music going through Covid
/You can find BRNDA’s LPs at HR Records at 702 Kennedy Street NW (photo courtesy the band)
by Cesse Ip
BRNDA is a four-piece local band that practices in the Brightwood Park area who just released a new album this month called Do You Like Salt? As expected, like other bands in DC, the COVID pandemic greatly affected their ability to meet up and practice as a full band for over a year, nor being able to play any shows. But now this local band is getting back in the scene on Friday, September 10th at Comet Ping Pong with May Rio and Tosser.
BRNDA has been together for almost 10 years now, and their first practice space was in a house on Princeton Place NW, across the street from Looking Glass. During our interview, band member Dave told me that he wanted to offer a sincere thanks and a heartfelt apology to any of their neighbors, past and present, and anyone else who has had to listen to music blasting from their practice spaces.
They’ve played at neighborhood favorites Slash Run and Jackie Lee’s, and at the former Paperhaus on 3rd Street NW between Emerson and Farragut, and other house shows in the neighborhood.
The band originally was called “Brenda,” but they found another indie-rock band from Maine with the same name, so changed their name to “BRNDA,” and figured everyone would continue to pronounce it the same way. However, they’ve found out that half the people pronounce it “burn-duh.” Now it seems that the “original” Brenda is either on indefinite hiatus or has broken up, so now they’re annoyed they changed their name.
The band practicing locally during the pandemic (photo courtesy of the band)
I asked two of the band members who live in Petworth about their favorite way to spend a day in the neighborhood:
“Donut Run then coffee at La Coop, followed by a cemetery run. Stroll to the Uptown Farmers’ Market afterwards for some pickles and veggies, maybe grab a beer at Moreland’s Tavern. Walk back down Kennedy Street, stopping at ANXO for a cider and olives. Amble across the street to HR Records where the milliners might also be out. Whatever veggies could not be rustled at the market, pick them up at Tropimart. Late lunch using either the newly procured groceries or maybe just some veggie patties from Andrene’s or one entrée two hot sides at Caribbean Sunrise or Senbeb. After mowing the lawn or lawn games with friends in Fort Slocum, drinks and vegan drummies at Slash Run (so many runs!), or jackfruit BBQ at Jackie Lee’s, or insanely unique and good falafel at Library Tavern. Fall asleep watching Beverly Hills Cop.”
Support local bands like BRNDA by following their Instagram and checking out their website, and if you can, go see a local show (with a mask!).