Thoughts on a bikeshare on Illinois and Upshur?
/photo: Mike Mozart
(1/8/19: This article has been updated to correct Aaron Goldbeck’s name in the former Commissioner’s email below.)
ANC 4C09 Commissioner Joe Martin sent an email to a local listserv with the idea of adding a Capital Bikeshare station on the 4200 block of Illinois Avenue, near Upshur and 5th Streets NW (or a different location as determined by DDOT).
There’s currently a bikeshare station on the northside of Sherman Circle, and one at Georgia Avenue/ Petworth metro. Does Petworth need another one, south of Grant Circle? Is there concern about losing a few parking spots to accommodate the bikeshare station, and gain the opportunity for easier access to bikes?
It sounds like the topic might come up for discussion at the next ANC meeting in December, or, more likely, at January’s ANC 4C meeting when the new commissioners are seated.
What do you think? The email is below.
I just got off the phone with Aaron Goldbeck (DDOT) who I learned is also a neighbor living near 3rd and Taylor (which makes him a constituent of Jonah Goodman).
Aaron says he is open to placing a Capital Bikeshare docking station on the north side of Upshur between 5th and Taylor, a spot I would prefer. He says at least three parking spaces would be taken up by Capital Bikeshare docking station.
I would rather the docking station not be placed where it will take up the spaces on the 4200 block of Illinois Avenue NW since that block is utilized not only by people who live on that block but also by Grant Circle residents on the east side of Grant Circle where several spaces are taken up by a Metro bus stop.
I am eager to discuss further with 4C09 Commissioner-Elect Tearsa Coates.
I am including Leah Anderson who will be representing blocks nearby (Upshur between 5th New Hampshire and westward to 8th Street NW and the west side of 5th south of Upshur) as the SMD 4C08 Commissioner-Elect.
I may ask the ANC to table this until the January meeting when the new and returning commissioners can officially weigh in.