Announcing Stand Up! Signs — a great way to share your voice through yard signs
/As you may remember, last December I helped organize the printing and sale of the “Glad You’re Our Neighbor” yard signs. This effort went viral, and we sold 360 directly in 4 days, and ultimately sold a tad over 400 in that time. NPR picked up the story, it hit the front page of Huffington Post, and the emails rolled in from all around the country with people asking for a sign. It was great to see such an outpouring of support for a positive message.
I really wanted to find a way to help people get signs, but the logistics of printing hundreds of signs and shipping across the country seemed daunting. But a friend and I came up with a solution, a new company called Stand Up! Signs — because right now is the wrong time to sit down and be quiet.
Stand Up! Signs is designed to help get progressive-messaged signs into the front yards and windows of people around the country, or carried to protests and demonstrations to share their message. Finally we can print and ship to the 48 states (sorry Alaska and Hawaii).
Get this sign on
Signs on our site are cheaper than you can get for a single sign from a local or web sign printer, AND we donate 10% of the proceeds from each sign to one of the following civil rights organizations:
One of the artist-created signs available on Stand Up! Signs...
▪ American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
▪ Ayuda
▪ Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
▪ Human Rights Campaign
▪ Planned Parenthood
▪ Refugees International
Plus, we’re asking people to submit designs for signs, and if selected and printed, we’ll give the artist 10% of the proceeds for each of their signs sold.
Check out the site and buy a sign! >
You can find Stand Up! Signs on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram — be sure to follow us!