The 2020 ANC 4C candidates, in their own words
/Just make sure you vote!
The Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) are the first layer of political bodies in the District, with residents elected in non-partisan positions to represent approximately 2,000 constituents in a Single Member District (SMD). ANCs have no legislative authority, though their resolutions are to be given “great weight” by DC agencies. Their main job is to be a liaison between residents and DC government, help with 311 “quality of life” issues, ABRA alcohol licensing agreements, etc.
Some ANCs are really contentious, others work hard, and some others don’t do much. While some Commissioners and candidates who want to serve also fit the same descriptions, serving is one of the best ways to be involved in the community. Petworth News reached out to every candidate running for an ANC 4C and 4D seat in 2020, and 19 of the 25 candidates responded. (Jeremy Foster withdrew for SMD 4C04.) Here are their responses with no editing, published as-is.
ANC 4C has 10 single member districts, of which 2 have no opposition (4C05: Audrey Anderson Duckett, and 4C09: Alan Wehler). The rest have two people running, so there’s 18 candidates below.
Remember, you only vote for one commissioner for your Single Member District.
ANC 4C Candidates
Single Member District 4C01
Vanessa Rubio
About the Candidate
Hi my name is Vanessa Rubio, I work for a Construction firm here in DC, I also do Volunteer work in the community, presently serving as PTA President at Brightwood Education Campus. I was born and raised here in the Brightwood/16th St. Heights Community my parents are from El Salvador. I am a dual language speaker both fluent in English and Spanish. I am a mother of four of different school ages and all students attending our local neighborhood schools. I have been working with the community and volunteering with several organizations since I was a teenager mainly all here in the community.
Why she is running
I am running for ANC Commissioner 4C01 so that I may provide a voice to our community members with their concerns on public issues that affect our community. As a longtime resident I have witness several changes our neighborhood has experienced. I would like to make every community member aware of our surrounding, and assist them on having their voices heard by the city government and work together as a community to solve problems and obtain the proper assistance to do so.
As the pandemic continues, my plan to connect with community members is to use following; social media, host virtual meetings, host teleconferences, use of the good old fashion mail system and post information at our local business, and bus stops.
Additional thoughts
I believe that working together and being transparent with information we can make our community a better and safer neighborhood for our children, seniors and each and every community member as well as our visitors.
Single Member District 4C01
Taalib-Din Uqdah
About the Candidate
Native Washingtonian; married 37-years with 2 children — 19-year-old homeschooled son — now doing his university studies in Barcelona, Spain and 16- year old girl, born with multiple disabilities and not expected to live past the age of one. These two experiences – home schooling / special needs child – makes me uniquely qualied to speak (up and out) on issues of education and sensitive to the unique challenges parents experience with their special needs children. I’ve lived in SMD 4C01 for 36-years and served on ANC 4C – 1991-1992 – (as its chair my last year), while also serving as CBENA’s 1991 President, my local civic association. Served on 4C again – 2015-2016 – one year as its Secretary. I’ve been a social justice entrepreneur the past 46-years and am currently the co-owner of Cornrows & Co. – featured on the 4th Floor of the Smithsonian Institute’s African American Museum of History & Culture – and the founder and president of Uptown Development, as well as the founder/facilitator of Northern Busbarn Neighbors (NBN) and the 14th St. Uptown Business Association, (1-4 UBA).
Why he is running
Experience! I’m running to address issues of:
PUBLIC SAFETY – This past August, 4C01 had a rash of daytime robberies and assaults at gunpoint. I maintain a standing relationship with 4D and will meet with Commander Griffin, PSA commanders and rank and file officers, making recommendations to address possible solutions.
NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION – City government response to promised changes along the 14th & Kennedy St. corridor that intersects with Colorado Ave., has lagged behind other development along Kennedy St. and the Ward. As one who helped establish Office of Planning’s (OP) Small Area Revitalization Strategy for the upper-14th St. corridor, I will reengage OP and DDOT to jumpstart revitalization efforts in our neighborhood’s public spaces by establishing timelines for enactment and completion;
2020 CENSUS TRACT REVIEW – Create a new Ward 4 ANC to serve 16th St. Heights; primarily SMD 4C01, 4C02, and 4C03 and targeted blocks of 4C04 and 05. ANC 4C is comprised of 10 SMD Commissioners; seven of those 10, serve, (primarily), residents of Petworth; I want to change that. Past ANC 4C agenda items shows the majority of their business is Petworth-related – East of GA Ave. over to North Capitol Street. Single Member District’s (SMD) 4C01, 02, 03 (and parts of 04 and 05), covers 16th St. Heights and the Southern-end of Brightwood. Having majority issues focused on Petworth does not serve our constituencies well; and
ENHANCE THE VISIBILITY OF NBN – Northern Busbarn Neighbors – a neighborhood organization formed to represent and protect the community’s health and transportation interest at the 14th St. bus garage, by insisting WMATA perform an Environmental Impact STATEMENT – not Assessment or Study – and not return until it has procured an operational ALL Electric bus fleet:
Over the next few weeks and coming months, I want to hear my constituent’s concerns and address those I can and point others in the right direction. We’ve collected e-mail addresses to keep those constituents informed and plan to identify block captains to keep our seniors and those who lack wifi- / listserv access up to speed. I am always reachable by phone: 202-421-8945.
Additional thoughts
Solely responsible for having 14th St., from Spring Rd. to Longfellow St., including Colorado Ave., designated as a “target area,” now a Great Street.
Target Area/Great Street designation led to OP’s 14th St. Revitalization Strategy that resulted in a Main Street designation.
1-4 UBA hired and trained 25 guys from the community in “urban landscaping;” refurbishing 77 tree boxes along 14th St. from Spring Rd. to Longfellow.
1-4 UBA was the main sponsor of the 16th St. Heights Summer of the Arts Festival.
For 4-years, during the summer months, Uptown Development sponsored a bi-weekly “Jazz Musicfest” at the corner of 14th & Crittenden.
Founder/facilitator of Northern Busbarn Neighbors (NBN) to force WMATA to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement and only return to our residential neighborhood with ALL Electric buses or not at all –
Single Member District 4C02
Maria Barry (incumbent)
About the Candidate
I discovered a dedication to causes and social justice after working on a state-wide referendum in Maryland and completing my Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1992. I started my career as a Volunteer Maryland! AmeriCorps member and have worked for numerous nonprofits and issue campaigns in senior development and external affairs roles over the past 20+ years. Before joining American University as the Director of Community Relations, I served as the Vice-President of External Relations at Potomac Riverkeeper Network and was the Chief Development Director at Green Door Behavioral Health. During my career, I have served as an Executive Director, Partnership Officer, and Field Director. I live in 16th Street Heights since 2002 with my baseball playing teenage son (a Wilson HS sophomore) and my husband, Dan, an environmental campaign advocate, and our dog, Waldo.
Why she is running for ANC
I am running for re-election to keep residents informed and provide a line of communication between community members, our Ward 4 Councilmember and other elected officials along with DC government agencies.
I am a relationship-builder who respects and listens to all people. As your Commissioner for the past 5 years, I have brought people with different views together in order to find solutions that work for everyone. I promise to continue to be accessible, available for meetings, and actively seek input on issues facing our neighborhood. As your ANC Commissioner, I will continue to work over the next 2 years to address neighbors’ concerns and help facilitate solutions working with DC government agencies, the Mayor’s office and the Ward 4 Councilmember.
My top priorities include:
Supporting our local businesses through programs like Uptown Main Street to ensure a thriving commercial corridor and vibrant neighborhood
Advocating for local schools and daycares
Supporting increased affordable housing options in our neighborhood and throughout Ward 4
Continuing to support neighborhood traffic calming measures to make our streets safer
Work to ensure that there are clear lines of communication with WMATA and the Northern Bus Garage Replacement Project and that the project maximizes community benets and minimizes any environmental, construction or neighborhood impacts.
I walk my neighborhood everyday and have conversations with neighbors I meet along the way. My website is and my email is I am always available for a phone or video chat or in person (socially distant, of course). I send the ANC monthly agenda to neighborhood listservs, including the Carter Barron East Neighborhood Association (CBENA) and Parents of Sixteenth Street Heights (POSH) listservs.
Additional thoughts
I am a passionate community leader dedicated to improving our neighborhood and our city. As the Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner for 4C02, I have had the pleasure of representing 16th Street Heights residents since 2015 and am proud of my record:
Secured funding for the new “59” express bus on 14th Street, as part of group of local leaders
Initiated two local neighborhood traffic studies, resulting in traffic safety measures being installed to increase safety in our immediate area.
Co-founded the Uptown Farmers Market at 14th Street and Colorado Avenue. Continue to serve as a market volunteer.
Supported the advocacy of West Education Campus parents to secure a budget line item for full modernization of the school.
Serve as a member of the School Improvement Team (SIT) at West Education Campus.
Serve on the LAMB Community Committee (LCC)
Secured funding for Uptown Main Street and helped to bring the Main Street funding to our neighborhood. Currently serve on the Economic Vitality Committee.
Serve on the Retail Strategy working group for the Northern Bus Garage Redevelopment project.
Co-founder and Past President of Friends of 16th Street Heights Parks. Worked to build community at the parks and revitalize Hamilton and Upshur Parks.
Currently serve as Secretary of the Board of Directors, Tenleytown Main Street
Single Member District 4C02
Bobby Curtis King
About the Candidate
I always had a burning need to help our society. I lived in 16th Street Heights since 2006, along with my parents and siblings. My parents instilled a strong sense of community. I believe being involved with the political process is instrumental in securing change for our community. Placing my belief into practice, I voted for economic and public housing projects as a youth board member of the Development Corporation of Columbia Heights. I was proud to represent members of my community during an era of mass change. I recently graduated from the University of Leipzig and Addis Ababa University with an MA in Global Studies. I graduated from Elon University with a Political Science Degree in 2016.
Why he is running for ANC
I'm running for ANC because I believe I could not stay on the sidelines during this year. COVID-19 has provided a unique challenge as a campaigner. In order to make good on my promise to provide proactive representation, I have opted to knock on every door while respecting the social distancing guidelines. It gave residents the opportunity to see my covered face and begin the work of earning my neighbor's vote.
Additional thoughts
My upbringing was, in itself, diverse. My father is an American, and my mother is a Sierra Leonean immigrant. My appreciation of diversity stems primarily from the diversity in my own life. Along with providing a proactive and attentive representative, I am deeply invested in preserving the quality of life within our community.
Single Member District 4C03
Ulysses E. Campbell (Incumbent)
Did not submit any responses to our questionnaire.
Single Member District 4C03
Cecelia Waldeck
About the Candidate
I moved to the DC metro area at the end of 1992 to begin a job as an attorney at the Federal Trade Commission, where I am now teleworking; and I have lived in the neighborhood since 2004. I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, in a family of seven children, and most of my relatives continue to live in southeast Ohio and northern Kentucky. I have lived in DC long enough to be the god-mother of a lovely lady whom I mentored during her high school days at Wilson High School. She and her eight kids are my family too.
I currently volunteer as a pro-bono attorney for the DC Bar and have been handling landlord/tenant matters. In the past, I worked for six months in the DC U.S. Attorney's Oce prosecuting domestic violence misdemeanors. This was a helpful learning experience in how DC arrests and charges people for criminal violations.
Why she is running for ANC
My key reason for running is to provide timely notice to neighbors of pending city and utility actions that can impact them and their property, including new liquor license applications, building permits for high density developments, and planned changes to street signs and traffic patterns. Because many neighbors are not using the local listserv, I plan to distribute paper notices to homes most impacted by a pending action or post notices on nearby street poles, in addition to posting notices on the listserv. Due to covid-19, I will invite interested neighbors to participate in zoom calls and will commit to meet with any neighbor on my stoop or theirs for a socially-distanced chat about their neighborhood concern.
Additional thoughts
I am running because I believe that ANC4C should give greater weight to protecting our health, safety, homes, and neighborhood infrastructure when making its decisions on special exception applications. For example, although recent zoning changes have facilitated development of alley lots in our neighborhood, when firetrucks cannot access the new residences due to narrow alleyways, ANC4C should require the developer and city agencies to explain how fires at the new development would be extinguished before agreeing to a special exception request.
Additionally, ANC4C should become active in protecting the neighborhood during the demolition/construction phases of the Northern Bus Barn, which involves mining out hard bedrock using hazardous explosives that can generate energy waves through the ground and air, thereby affecting nearby homes. ANC4C can use its leverage to obtain written commitments from WMATA that it will pay for damages to the property and health of neighbors impacted by this project.
Finally, ANC4C can press WMATA and PEPCO to invest in electric bus infrastructure for the redeveloped bus barn and encourage WMATA to begin buying electric buses now to further the goals of the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act. Converting WMATA's bus fleet to non-polluting electric buses benefits not just neighbors living near the Northern Bus Barn but all DC residents. Although invisible to the eye like the covid-19 virus, diesel bus particulate matter engenders respiratory illnesses, such as asthma, and is not healthy for our children or our pets (the shorter you are, the more you inhale because it accumulates near the ground). Let's have an ANC4C that proactively fights for a healthy environment!
(Editor’s Note: The candidate did not provide a photo.)
Single Member District 4C04
Steve Donahoe
About the Candidate
I am a long time resident of the DC metro area and have been a resident in our SMD for almost seven years. I am buying a new home in the SMD because I love the neighborhood, so I plan to be here for a while. I am a Realtor with TTR Sotheby's as well as an investor in a couple of restaurants and bars in the city. I live in Randolph Towers and was on the board for four years with two as the President. I have also been on the Randolph Towers Facilities and Safety Committee and would like to branch out and work on helping our SMD.
Why he is running for ANC
The vitality of our neighborhood and the city in general is very important to me. I have been very pleased with the direction our SMD has going and I want to help foster continuing positive growth. I am very active on social media and always available via email or phone. And for those who are elderly, not online, or isolating, I will make an effort via mailers or door hangers letting them know that they can contact me via phone.
Additional thoughts
Two big issues for me are reducing violence and helping foster our responsible local businesses.
We have a lot of social issues in the neighborhood that can't be immediately solved, but I would like to work with different organizations as well as with law enforcement to see if we can find ways to mitigate violent crimes in the short-term while working on some of the social issues long-term.
Also, I am very happy to see responsible businesses like Lyman's Tavern, Mezcalero, Downtown Liquors, the 14th St Mini Market, Anafre, and all the others thriving and bringing value to the neighborhood. I really think they play a huge role in a better quality of life, reducing crime, and increasing our property values. I have lived here for almost seven years and they have really helped our neighborhood in many ways.
Single Member District 4C04
Yvette D. Marbury-Long
About the Candidate
The reason I am running for ANC is I see a need for more transparency and improvements with city service. I would like to be an official voice for my community and represent those whose voices have not been heard and to ensure our community interests are protected. I love to be engaged and active within my community and would love the change to fight for all. I feel there needs to be strengthening within the frontline of our community concerns. My main focus with be on pedestrian safety, job recruiting, supporting small businesses,crime prevention, and overall shaping and managing the growth of our community.
Why she is running for ANC
During this time especially with COVID-19 affecting our community I feel its extremely important to keep our community informed and up to date with any new and developing information. I will connect with our seniors to ensure that they are in the loop with what's new with upcoming neighborhood programs and projects by, having monthly newsletters delivered by hand to every door and also, through e-mail and working with various community groups that provide services to our seniors. Providing information through the community server listing as well keeps the community abreast with what's affecting residents throughout the District.
Single Member District 4C05
Audrey Anderson Duckett (running unopposed)
About the Candidate
Audrey Anderson Duckett has lived in DC for ten years and in the 4C05 SMD for six years with her husband Tahir. Audrey is the Chief Operating Officer for Be Girl, Inc., a small business with a social mission. Prior to working for Be Girl, Audrey had a career in nonprofit work.
Why she is running for ANC
I am committed to making government work for all, from residents to small businesses. I believe it is important to spread awareness about the role of ANCs, particularly to reach out to residents who may be unaware of or unclear about the role of their commissioner. Different people communicate in different ways, so I intend to take advantage of the range of channels available from online methods such as listservs and email to offline methods such as printed flyers and in-person interactions (where possible, given COVID-19 restrictions).
Additional thoughts
We are all weathering a storm now with COVID-19, and it has never been more important to bridge the gap between people and government. Both individuals and small businesses must be able to receive available government support and contribute their voices to decision-making. I look forward to this challenge of demystifying government processes for those in my SMD and ensuring that information reaches the right hands.
Single Member District 4C06
Namatie Sia Mansaray
About the Candidate
My name is Namatie Mansaray and I am running for ANC 4C06. My parents immigrated to Washington, DC from Sierra Leone so that my father could attend Howard University. I was born at Howard University Hospital and grew up in Silver Spring, MD. I attended Bowie State University, an HBCU where I received my bachelor’s degree in political science, and later Drexel University where I received my master’s degree in public policy. I am a proud veteran of the United States Army, HOOAH! And I’m committed to advocating for racial equity, inclusion, and equality.
I am a Senior Policy and Government Affairs Manager at a nonprofit where I support, write and advocate for policies that make care more affordable and accessible at every stage of life. I focus on family caregivers, older adults, people with disabilities, and the direct care workforce. I am passionate about working to eradicate the systemic racism and inequalities in our systems of care, and ensuring that we achieve racial equity.
I have lived in Petworth for four years and consider it my home. Our neighborhood has so much to offer and I continue to discover new things to love about it. I enjoy everything from trying new meals from our local restaurants to early morning runs at Raymond Recreation Center. If you’d like to learn more about me and some of the issues I care about, please visit my website:
Why she is running for ANC
I am running for ANC because I want to make a significant investment in our community and our residents. Having spent much of my life in public service — volunteering, giving back to my community, and bringing people together — I would like to ensure we continue to build community, remain inclusive of all voices and concerns, and work to find equitable solutions. My goal is to ensure that all voices within our single-member district are heard. We deserve an ANC who actively listens to the needs and input of our residents and businesses and understands the various issues that are facing our community.
Connecting with constituents during COVID-19 is vital, not only to share information and feedback but to maintain the sense of community we’re building. I want to actively engage with all residents, particularly our older residents, vulnerable residents, and those who reside in apartments and condos. Here are a few of the methods I’d like to use to connect with residents:
Compiling a contact list and performing individual outreach via phone and/or email with a focus on our older and or/vulnerable residents.
Organizing events such as neighbor check-ins and block clean-ups.
Creating monthly newsletters with language translations.
Working with residents to nominate Block captains.
Providing information and resources via social media and neighborhood listservs.
Conducting virtual meetings and encouraging residents to suggest additional methods of engagement they would like to see.
Single Member District 4C06
Michael Whelan
About the Candidate
My name is Mike Whelan and I’m running for ANC 4C06 because I love this neighborhood and want to help make it even better. I first moved to Petworth in Spring 2016 after graduating from Georgetown over in Ward 2 (Hoya Saxa!). Ever since, I’ve been proud to be part of Petworth - first in a basement apartment on 14th Street next to Mark’s Market and Iglesia Primitiva Pentecostal and since 2017 on Kansas Avenue by the Yes Organic Market.
I work as a consultant helping to design the layout of airport terminals. My company is based in Alexandria, so I had a long commute on the Yellow Line before the pandemic. Like a lot of people though, we have been on work-from-home status since March due to COVID-19. While working out of my apartment hasn’t always been easy, living in Petworth definitely helps. A silver lining has been the opportunity to go to great local businesses, many of which are doing their best to adapt to our new coronavirus reality. Getting coffee from Buna, enchiladas from Taqueria Habanero, and carry-out from other local businesses during the pandemic has highlighted how hard they work to provide for the community. We’ll need to work to make sure they are able to persevere through these hard times.
I don’t have any family that lives right here in Petworth, but my aunt and uncle also live in Ward 4 up in Shepherd Park and my mom and dad live in Foggy Bottom, so they’re not too far away!
Why he is running for ANC
I am running because I want to keep housing affordable, especially as so many people have lost income due to the pandemic and are struggling to pay rent. The people who live here are the best thing about this neighborhood. We have people who have lived here their whole life and folks who moved here from all over the world. We have families, young people, and seniors of all different backgrounds. Few neighborhoods in DC have the diversity and community that we do here.
Although eviction protections are in place right now, renters who could not pay during the pandemic will face a dire situation when the eviction protections are lifted. As a renter living in a rent-controlled building, it is very important to me to keep Petworth affordable for everyone who lives here, and for those yet to come. That is why I am running and that is what you can expect from me on the ANC. I am also a fierce advocate for safer streets, better parks, and more responsive government. These will be my priorities on the ANC.
In-person outreach to older citizens and those who are not online is difficult during the pandemic. I would hesitate to go door-knocking right now due to the risk of spreading COVID, especially to our older neighbors who are most at risk. However, I have walked the streets to talk to people who are sitting on their porches and will continue to do that. Additionally, I will be in the 13th & Kansas triangle park with flyers and hand sanitizer on weekends. I look forward to chatting with neighbors as they walk by!
Additional thoughts
First, I encourage everyone to take a look at my website,, where I have more information about myself and the platform I’m running on.
Second, to answer your question about “running” more literally: I’ve been a runner ever since cross country in high school, so if you see a guy running down Kansas Ave in bright green running shoes, there’s a good chance it’s me! If you see me around the neighborhood, please stop me and say hello!
Third, I want to hear from you. My SMD is bordered by Spring Road to the south, Georgia Ave to the east, Taylor Street to the north, and 13th Street to the west. If you have any ideas about things we need in the SMD or questions about my campaign, you can email me at or find me on Facebook and Twitter at the handle @mike4petworth. Also, I can speak Spanish and will respond to Spanish messages if that is your language.
Finally, I wish you safety during this pandemic and want to send my thanks to the frontline workers who are getting us through this. When I had a check-up at Mary’s Center recently, it was sobering to have my temperature taken before I could even walk in the door. I came away feeling so thankful for our essential workers. Stay safe everyone!
Single Member District 4C07
Paul Johnson
About the Candidate
The District has been my home for ten years now. Our family (wife, toddler and pointer/lab dog) has had the good fortune to live in Petworth near Grant Circle for over three years. I am 45 years of age, originally from Philadelphia and am a proud HBCU graduate.
As a board member of Community Mediation DC, I have participated in re-entry mediations at the DC Jail. In the 2020 Primary election, I was a poll worker for the DC Board of Elections. Additional civic initiatives include serving as a dispatcher for Ward Four Mutual Assistance and volunteering as a Ward 4 Captain for the Ed Lazere for At-Large DC Council Campaign.
I am a family mediator at the DC Superior Court as well as a workplace mediation practitioner. Further, I have additional professional background in municipal finance, community economic development, and public budget oversight.
I satiate my lay historian proclivities by digitizing and transcribing primary source documents at the National Archives and the Riverdale House Museum, I am also a Capoeira Angola (African-Brazilian folklore artform) student and Portuguese speaker.
Why he is running for ANC
It is a disruptive, stressful, highly uncertain time in the District and in the nation at large. To my mind, empathetic, facilitative, intersectional, creative, bridge building local civic leadership will be needed going forward.
I will associate myself with measures to redress structural issues of Post-COVID affordability for residents as they manifest in housing, transportation, community wifi access and education policy .Additionally policing reform coupled with preventative, community, mental/behavioral health forward approaches to public safety are of preeminent concern. The viability and survival of our independent small business corridors of Upshur Street and Georgia Avenue are also a high priority.
I believe in and will champion broad participatory access to the democratic process. Moreover, I have a deep abiding respect for our elders and their long-standing institutional knowledge of the Petworth and the District more broadly. Last year I had a wonderful opportunity to undergo training at the Department of Aging and Community Living in order to better understand their service delivery model. I would approach any “off line” engagement with our fellow constituents proactively in a similar vein as my other community endeavors. It would also be prudent for the ANC to forge strong working relationships with entities and service providers who specialize in outreach such as: DACL, Georgia Avenue Family Services Collaborative, Miriam’s Kitchen and the Ward 4 (and At-Large) Councilperson’s Office.
Single Member District 4C07
Jacob Mason
Did not submit any responses to our questionnaire. (Editor’s Note: He added his info as a comment below after publication.)
Single Member District 4C08
Clara Haskell Botstein
About the Candidate
Hi neighbors! My Clara Haskell Botstein. I was born and raised in New York City, and I moved to Washington, D.C. over five and a half years ago. I’ve lived in my SMD (4C08) for four and a half years. I have a professional and academic background in public policy (I earned a Master of Public Policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley), with a focus on public education and human services.
For the past eight years, I’ve worked for the Bard Early Colleges, a national network of associate's degree-granting, tuition-free early college high schools. I led the effort to establish our DC campus - Bard High School Early College DC, which opened in Fall 2019 in Ward 7. As Associate Vice President, my role includes local and state government policy and advocacy and partnership development. I also chair the board of Two Rivers PCS, a progressive PreK3-8th grade charter school network in DC. I’ve spend much of my professional life as an advocate, working with government to invest in communities and in creative solutions to address local needs.
My relatives live in New York and California, so my friends in DC are my local family. I live with my leading man Lyonel the Cat. I am an enthusiastic fan of the arts, and I enjoy spending time outside (biking, running, walking), practicing Spanish, and organizing events, especially those involving holiday decorations.
Why she is running for ANC
I am running for ANC Commissioner so I can use my skills and experience to contribute to the quality of life in my SMD and to help neighbors and businesses connect to resources and thrive, especially in this difficult time. I have nearly 15 years of experience working with local government to effect change. As ANC Commissioner, I will be responsive, inclusive, respectful, and solutions-oriented, and I will take action to serve our community, whether it's about sanitation, affordable housing, transportation, public safety, or community building.
As ANC Commissioner, I will use a range of communication channels to reach residents, recognizing not everyone has email or regular access to the internet. In addition to communicating through email and social media, I will use flyers and mailers to get information out to residents. I will also go through existing communication channels (e.g. Petworth News, Greater Petworth Facebook group and listserv, Nextdoor) and word of mouth to engage community members, keep them apprised of community news, and share ways to get involved. I plan to host community forums on topical issues and support and attend community events and be as visible as possible in order to build personal connections and hear from constituents.
Additional thoughts
DC is my home, and I plan to stay in public service and work either with or in government for the rest of my career. The ANC role will allow me to give back to my neighborhood through a skill set I’ve developed over many years. I have the time, energy, and experience to dedicate myself to the ANC and work effectively on behalf of our community. I’d love to connect with you – please reach out to me at to share your ideas. You can also learn more about me and the issues I care about at Thank you!
Single Member District 4C08
Charlie Sinks
About the Candidate
I’m a Coast Guard veteran and labor lawyer who represents local workers and unions. I first moved to DC in 2011, and I’ve lived in 4C08 since 2017. I’m running for ANC to make our neighborhood even better for future generations, including my own two children.
I’m a longtime advocate for improved transit access, having worked with DDOT and WMATA to install a multi-use trail for pedestrians and cyclists in Southeast and more frequent service on the A4 bus line. More recently, I’ve worked with other Petworth parents and community members to have the city replace artificial surfaces with engineered wood fiber as part of the Petworth Playground renovation, decreasing the risk of lead exposure for neighborhood kids.
Why he is running for ANC
The main issues I’m running to address are:
Safer Streets: It shouldn’t be dangerous for kids and seniors to cross the street. I’ll work with DDOT to implement traffic calming and make it safer to cross New Hampshire Avenue and other major streets in our neighborhood.
Better Bus and Bicycle Infrastructure: I’ll advocate for extending the bus and bicycle lanes near Howard University up Georgia Avenue to Takoma, as well as more frequent local and express 70 buses. I’ll also advocate for full implementation of DDOT’s planned Crosstown Protected Bike Lane project, including connecting bike lanes on Park Place and Warder Street to the new Irving Street cycle track.
Housing Affordability: I’ll press developers to build more affordable units and to limit construction disruptions to residents. I’ll work with DCRA to stop unpermitted building, dumping, and other illegal contractor conduct. I’ll support our new council member’s effort to expand rent control and to ban evictions for the duration of this crisis.
Gun Violence: I’ll work to make the MPD Fourth District more accountable to residents, and I’ll advocate for the DC Council to fund public health approaches to violence prevention, including violence interrupter programs.
As for outreach: during my campaign, I’ve used neighborhood listservs, social media, and introductions from other neighbors to hear from folks about their concerns. As a result, I’ve submitted DC 311 requests to have the city restripe crosswalks, collect trash, and fix street signs. I also helped to organize a community cleanup day where we picked up litter and cleaned up a neighborhood triangle park. As ANC commissioner, I’ll continue these efforts, and I’ll work to make ANC meetings more accessible by continuing to livestream meetings after the pandemic is over and in-person meetings resume.
Additional thoughts
I think it’s important to address race and gentrification—the elephant in the room when we talk about so many issues at an ANC, from bike lanes to new development. I love our neighborhood, and I’m running for ANC because I want to make it even better. As a white man and a relatively newer Petworth resident, I’m mindful that this was long a Black neighborhood, and some neighbors might rightfully be wary of changes that feel like just one more way this place is being taken from them. I believe that together we can build a vibrant, diverse, and integrated neighborhood where everyone feels welcome and valued. It will take work, but I’m here to listen.
I want to hear your ideas for the neighborhood—call or text me at 202-796-3290. Or visit my website at
Single Member District 4C09
Alan Wehler (running unopposed)
About the Candidate
My name is Alan Wehler and I live with my wife, Allison, and Dog, Oliver, on Webster St, where have lived for just over two years. I work as a Technology and Security Policy Consultant here in DC while Allison works as a Pediatrician in the Emergency Department at Children’s National Hospital just south of Petworth. I have been an active participant in local ANC and related meetings since moving to the neighborhood and was similarly active when I lived near 16th and U. I am an active supporter of DC United (and member of La Barra Brava), enjoy hiking and other outdoor activities, and, pre-COVID, worked part time at the Green Hat Distillery in the Ivy City neighborhood of DC. I grew up in Gettysburg, PA and worked as a Park Ranger at Gettysburg National Military Park during and after college. I received a B.A. in International Relations from The College of William and Mary and a M.A. in Security Policy Studies from George Washington University.
Why he is running for ANC
COVID is a significant challenge that has led many of us to lean more heavily on digital means of communication—a shift that highlights the need for the city to make further investments in ensuring that all residents have internet access. For constituents who are online, I plan to connect with them via standard means—neighborhood listservs, Facebook, and Twitter (@alanwehler). I also plan to keep in touch with constituents via email and phone. I hope to leverage other means to keep in touch with residents during COVID as well. I spend several hours every day walking around the neighborhood with our dog and make a point of talking to neighbors and noting of issues that need to be addressed. I spend most evenings on our porch and use that time to connect with neighbors. I do bi-weekly litter pickups in our corner of the neighborhood and plan to expand and use them as another opportunity to meet neighbors. Finally, I would consider distributing paper flyers to communicate important meetings, especially when they impact blocks with many non-digital residents.
I am running because I want to help address some of the issues facing our neighborhood while helping to build and preserve what made Allison and I want to move here. We deeply value having socially, racially, and economically diverse neighbors and love how Petworth’s Wardman-style row houses help to build a sense of community.
I believe the city needs to do more to address areas of violence in our community, intervening, whenever possible, before conflicts lead to violence and not simply shuffling police cars around in response to it. I want the city invest in services that are address many of the issues that the police are ill equipped to address, such as those involving mental health, addiction, and homelessness.
The 300 block of Delafield is a major hotspot for gun violence in the ward. It is a block from Barnard Elementary and the area has not received the level of attention it merits in terms of basic and wrap-around services that can help address some of the root causes of violence in the area. Simply parking a police car nearby isn’t a solution, it’s a band-aid. As soon as police leave for a call or to park near another hotspot, violence returns. I will work with residents, council-member elect Janeese Lewis George, and other commissioners to address these issues.
Additional thoughts
I also believe that we also need to make investments in our community that enable success. We need to continue to build an education system that prepares students for their futures, and that starts with investing in our neighborhood schools and giving all students the opportunity to receive a safe, quality education without traveling across town. I plan to meet with the Barnard PTA in the near future to see how I might be able to work with them to support our neighborhood students and look forward to working with the broader Barnard community.
Further, we need to build transportation systems that protect the most vulnerable users and prioritize moving people. I am a strong supporter of “Vision Zero,” but am disappointed by the city’s lack of commitment to it. Too often the change needed to achieve Vision Zero’s goals only comes after a fatality, such as that of Timothy Abbott at Piney Branch and Dahlia Street in June. Neighbors, and ANC Commissioners, had spent years begging DDOT to do something to make that intersection safer—real, if incremental, improvement only came after his death. We need to take swift action to make intersections like 4th Street and New Hampshire Avenue safer before people are killed, not after.
We need to make new investments in housing, meeting the increased demands of a growing city while ensuring that long-term residents are not forced out. This requires building new housing across the city, not just in the communities least likely to resist it. I hope to work with the ANC and neighbors to address housing needs in our Ward while working to preserve the affordable housing we currently have.
Finally, an important part of a commissioner’s job is to push the city to do a better job of providing basic services to its residents. I am already a prolific user of DC’s 311 system to help bring city services to the Ward to addresses issues ranging from trash collection to broken street lights and hope to work with neighbors and the city to address such issues in a timely manner. In my experience, some blocks often seem more neglected than others, subject to the continual dumping of bulk trash or unfixed potholes. I also hope to work with the city and relevant agencies to bring a more equitable provisioning of city services to our ward.
Finally, I am pro Lemonade stand.
Single Member District 4C10
Monica Blair
About the Candidate
Mother of 6 sons and grandmother of 5 with one girl in the bunch. My oldest son is a marine. My youngest son graduated this year in the inaugural class of DC International School and now attends NC A&T thru distance learning. I am native to the 4c10 community. And a graduate of Wilson SHS. I was born, raised and raised my family in 4c10. Retired in 2012 from Verizon Communications where I work for 25 years in Washington DC which entailed my own community of 4c10.
I have always been an active neighbor in my community and was raised with a personal understanding of community cooperation from my own family (which integrated this neighborhood in the 1950s). My birth home served as a hub for neighbors through cooperation where we shared tools and resources. As a community we always looked out when neighbors were away on vacation or simply at work, held extra keys for lock outs and took mail deliveries when needed. This is the neighborhood I grew up in and am vested in remaining.
After a diagnosis of elevated cholesterol and blood pressure (in 2018) I transitioned to The Bio Mineral Balance (Dr. Sebi's alkaline diet) and returned to optimal health in 45 days. No drugs needed. I also lost 20 lbs. and one shoe size in the process. Three years ago I realized on my 50th Birthday that half my face was paralyzed due to Bell's Palsy. Through a change in diet, as well, in 14 days I returned in full. These were great precursors to what was to come. In these days of Covid 19 I utilize natural health/wellness techniques to keep myself and family in optimal health building up strong immunity to help ward off and fight any virus or disease.
My reputation precedes me through interactions I have had with neighbors, friends and family who have already witnessed and experienced my dedication and integrity. I am committed to my community and am vested in helping others when I can. It is who I am and will always remain.
Why she is running for ANC
I plan on continuing the legacy of community and cooperation both thru personal and virtual contact. With the recent migration of new neighbors, the community is a mix of young and old. And I am equipped to connect with both. With the old school experience and professional experience in new technologies, I understand the importance of communication with individuals on their own level.
I plan on connecting with my neighbors as I did when I ran in 2014. I intend to knock door to door with keeping safe distancing and PPE equipment in mind. I will engage with my neighbors and learn how I can be effective to them when I am elected as Commissioner.
For those that are able to utilize technology I welcome them to email me at
Additional thoughts
I remain an active alumni to Woodrow Wilson SHS and a member of the Class of 85' reunion committee where we recently hosted our 35th Class reunion virtually.
I was an active parent in the schools my sons attended. I chaperoned and helped plan events and activities.
I presently participate in local groups that recycle unused goods thru free giveaways.
I enjoy sharing my alkaline lifestyle with others. Educating them on the benefits of non-GMOs and foods that have not been genetically modified. I share/swap recipes when I can and have several friends that have transitioned (thru my sharing) with great results. I am also working on building an app that will pool natural health information on one platform ( Stay tuned as I work behind the scenes to make this a reality.
I am a strong proponent of self education through reading and accessing information online. Which in this time of sheltering in place has provided great opportunity to utilize and bring back to the forefront.
Single Member District 4C10
Jonah Goodman (Incumbent)
About the Candidate
I have lived on the 4200 block of 4th St with my wife Karen for nine years. I work as a User Experience (UX) Designer at Gartner. Karen is an assistant professor of Physical Therapy at The George Washington University and also works as a Physical Therapist at MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital. We are avid runners and you will probably see us running around the neighborhood most days. I’ve completed 11 marathons and will probably forget how hard they are and do some more once it is safe again.
Why he is running for ANC
It has been a pleasure to serve as an ANC Commissioner and I am hoping to return for another term. My hope is that 4C can continue its recent work to make our meetings a model of how local government can be: civil and respectful. The ANC has gone to great lengths to address past issues and I want to continue to contribute to this work.
Working with the community during the COVID-19 emergency has exposed a lot of challenges as well as unveiled opportunities to improve community meetings going forward. Moving meetings online has made them more accessible for those with families, second shift jobs, or other constraints. Prior to the pandemic, it was illegal for us to conduct them online. With the change of our laws by DC Council, we have had the opportunity to continue our good work. I hope that this remains an option in the future. That said, online outreach misses not only those without computer and internet access, but also non-English speakers and our deaf or hard of hearing neighbors. I’m proud of my past work which ensured the DC Council budget funded both ASL interpretation and language translation services for ANCs. This funding is a start toward addressing outreach, but it doesn’t do enough. I still spend a considerable number of hours calling neighbors to inform them of meetings, printing and hand delivering documents, and meeting neighbors in yards to hear from them. I use block leads who help distribute information and appreciate those neighbors. There is still more we can do, but the burden of asking Commissioners with children, family members to take care of, health risks, jobs, etc. to do all of this, often at their own expense, is immense. The District allocates $1.32 per resident of ANC 4C to us per year to fund any ANC expenses. It isn’t sufficient. COVID-19 is exposing a lot of challenges with how our government communicates. I plan to talk with our incoming Ward 4 Councilmember to find ways to address these gaps and collaborate on outreach with those in our community who are offline.
Additional thoughts
The ANC has built some strong policies thanks to the many Commissioners who have preceded us, but there is much more I want to do:
I wrote our first affordable housing development policies which call for all new development to contribute to affordable housing here in Petworth. Since that was adopted, most of the projects that have come before the ANC have resulted in commitments to build or fund affordable housing. We need to do more here to ensure we are building affordable and family-sized housing so that Petworth is open to anyone who wants to call it home. You can see this policy at:
I’ve spent years researching gun violence in Ward 4, drafted several MPD reform recommendations, and gun violence prevention requests. Janeese Lewis George has supported several of my recommendations and I look forward to supporting her in bringing evidence based, public health approaches to addressing gun violence in Petworth.
Issues in 4C10 and across 4C are not unique and I’ve been building coalitions with ANC 1A, 4B, 4D and Commissioners across DC to advocate for solutions.
I have been serving in a Mayoral appointment to the Juvenile Justice Advisory Group (JJAG) as the District’s only elected official in that group. The work is part of a national JJAG state coalition that uses federal funds to study and recommend changes to policies around juvenile detention and diversion programs. This is critical work to reform our judicial system to give District youth support and programming to avoid unnecessary interactions with police, courts, and detention programs. If re-elected I can continue this work and help provide input on how to implement more proactive changes.
Finally, so much of our day to day interaction with the DC government, via 311, needs to be fixed. Pedestrian safety signs lay in the street for a year. Trash cans disappear. Traffic calming studies sit on shelves. Vacant houses damage neighboring properties. The ANC has a platform to call for process changes in how agencies operate and respond to community requests. I want to use the collective voices of our ANC and other commissions to fix these items across the Ward and not fight for them on block at a time.