New development at 3701 New Hampshire gets approved
/Rendering of the new apartment building at 3701 New Hampshire Ave (photo: PGN Architects)
The Zoning Board had its final hearing today about the redevelopment of 3701 New Hampshire Avenue. This is the former location of Sweet Mango Cafe, which went into foreclosure in March 2015. It was purchased by Rooney Properties, who have plans to raze the existing structure and build a 21-unit apartment building.
The Board considered the community concerns about affordable housing, the Chuck Brown mural and parking. The building will include three affordable housing units (2 at 50% Area Median Income and 1 at 80% AMI, an affordable set aside of 11%).
Rooney will recreate the mural on the north wall of the new building, and will put in place "relocation strategies" for the mural, including putting it on a panel if development occurs on the north of the property in the future. (Note that the mural isn’t tied to their variance approval.)
As for parking, the Board felt Rooney has addressed community concerns. The developer has put in place conditions that "significantly restrict unit owners or potential leasees from applying for RPP" (Residential Parking Permits). Additionally, they changed their position on parking spots, and will now provide 12 secure, off-street spaces available to tenants at market rate.
Rooney has also committed to look at employing local construction workers. As for the ground floor retail, they said they can't commit to what type of business will go in the retail space at the moment, but will likely lease to local business.
The Board approved unanimously.
Related articles:
- Sweet Mango Cafe to become 21-unit apartment building (July 30, 2015)
- A plan for Sweet Mango's Chuck Brown mural? (August 6th)
- This is what dysfunction looks like: Notes from ANC 4C October meeting (October 16, 2015)
Coverage of the ANC meeting included debate on this property's redevelopment.
A rendering showing a different view of the proposed building. (photo: PGN Architects)
Update: Fixed a mistake about the number of affordable units. Originally said 2 units at 80% and 1 at 50% of AMI. It's 2 units at 50% and 1 unit at 80% of Area Median Income.