Ideas on how to find balance with working from home and distant learning [sponsored]

Ideas on how to find balance with working from home and distant learning [sponsored]

As a community, I am sure we can all agree that these last five months have turned our lives somewhat upside down. From distant learning, to virtual meetings and virtual celebrations to limited socials gatherings, what a job we have just balancing it all! Now here is the start of a new school year, and where’s the balance?

Party Time STEAMing Engineers at 205 Upshur Street can help.

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Can DCPS close the digital equity gap? (take a survey on your experiences)

Can DCPS close the digital equity gap? (take a survey on your experiences)

Digital Equity in DC Education (Digital Equity DC), a coalition of DCPS parents from all 8 wards, is asking for parent feedback on how DCPS-issued devices and learning platforms are performing. Petworth News spoke with Grace Hu and Alexandra Simbana from Digital Equity DC about why they are putting together the survey, and how you can help.

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Parents jump into virtual learning, saying they're committed to the process

Parents jump into virtual learning, saying they're committed to the process

With the demands of health and safety during the Covid pandemic, DC public schools decided to go completely virtual for the first half of the 2020 school year. Words like “unprecedented” and “unconventional” don’t begin to describe the work families are having to do to ensure their children are getting the education they need.

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We're gonna be on TV and want your opinion

We're gonna be on TV and want your opinion

A local TV station is doing a show about real estate in Petworth and 16th Street Heights, and asked Petworth News to offer some on-camera background on the history and interesting architectural details on both neighborhoods.

So we’re looking to you for help!

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Going virtual has some benefits and challenges, say DCPS teachers

Going virtual has some benefits and challenges, say DCPS teachers

One week into virtual learning, most people have felt frustrated with technology yet amazed by how rapidly students, parents and educators have adjusted. Days feel long and exhausting even without the commutes; a reminder for some of being an overwhelmed, overworked first-year teacher. Kids are often observed yawning and fidgeting after lunch on computer screens, but this is preferable to not having a student return for afternoon class.

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Want to write for Petworth News? We're looking for contributors!

Want to write for Petworth News? We're looking for contributors!

If you're already involved in the community -- or want to be more involved -- and enjoy writing, we’re looking for contributors to write for Petworth News. Happy to chat with anyone who lives in Petworth and the surrounding neighborhoods like Park View, Brightwood, Crestwood, Shepherd Park, etc.

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When they couldn’t find the property management company they wanted, they started their own [sponsored]

When they couldn’t find the property management company they wanted, they started their own [sponsored]

Petworth locals Andrea and Jeremy Surette started looking for a property management company that could help them with their rental property without charging an arm and a leg. What they found were companies charging high rates while delivering only occasional help. They wanted to find a company that only charged them when services were needed. So they created one.

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Expiration & renewal on motor vehicle documents extended

Expiration & renewal on motor vehicle documents extended

If you’re due to renew your motor vehicle registration, driver’s license or other DMV documents, the expiration and renewal dates have been extended by the DC Department of Motor Vehicles, according to a notice the agency put out on July 16th.

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How to buy a house when there are multiple offers [sponsored]

How to buy a house when there are multiple offers [sponsored]

Happy July! Along with the weather, the real estate market is also really heating up! Buyers are taking advantage of low interest rates. The problem is, there still aren’t enough homes out there for sale, so buyers are still competing with one another.

Here are some of my tips for anyone in the market looking to buy now or soon…

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Metro to temporarily close Petworth & CoHeights stations in July for maintenance (updated)

Metro to temporarily close Petworth & CoHeights stations in July for maintenance (updated)

WMATA has announced a list of Metro track work and station closings for “preventative maintenance and planned capital work.” The Orange, Silver, Yellow and Green lines are all affected by track work, with some seeing station closings.

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You can make a difference: How to run for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner & give back to your community

You can make a difference: How to run for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner & give back to your community

Every two years elections open up for seats on local Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs). Commissioners provide a valuable role in the city as the liaison between DC government and their approximately 2,000 residents / constituents in a Single Member District (SMD). Commissioners have no legislative powers — hence the “advisory” in the name. But Commissioners can make a difference.

If you want to make a difference in your community, here’s how to run for election as a Commissioner.

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Is there a small crew of small people burglarizing area backyards?

Is there a small crew of small people burglarizing area backyards?

For more than a month, the emails have come across the listservs, each with a similar story to share: a bike was stolen from a backyard or a garage. Now, bike theft happens, but there’s been an obvious rash of theft across the area, from Crestwood to 16th Street Heights, Brightwood to Petworth.

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A guy robs Bank of America, seems to forget about his mask

A guy robs Bank of America, seems to forget about his mask

The Bank of America at 3500 Georgia Avenue in Park View was robbed on Tuesday, June 30th just before 1pm.

What struck me about this robbery was the man entered wearing a surgical mask (thanks Covid), and then proceeded to pull it down during the robbery.

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Celebrate Juneteenth with your neighbors, in your front yard

Celebrate Juneteenth with your neighbors, in your front yard

A group of neighbors have put together an event to celebrate Juneteenth — and you don’t have to leave your front yard if you don’t want to. The holiday commemorates the ending of slavery in the United States when on June 19, 1865, enslaved African Americans in Texas were finally told they had been freed, more than two years after Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

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