Qualia closes in Petworth where it first started

Qualia closes in Petworth where it first started

On March 18th, Qualia Coffee officially closed its Petworth doors after nearly 14 years at the location.The coffee shop had originally temporarily closed the Georgia Ave business, operating out of the neighboring Commonwealth Cantina as a pop-up. However, the company announced that it would not be following through with the previously scheduled maintenance, instead electing to shut down the location.

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Petworth is doing a clean up day, and you're invited to help!

Petworth is doing a clean up day, and you're invited to help!

It takes everyone’s help to keep things clean, and as they say, many hands make light work.

That’s why Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4C is spearheading a Petworth Community Clean-Up on Saturday, April 29th from 10am-12pm. Each ANC 4C Commissioner plans to lead a clean-up effort in their SMD.

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Go for it: Paint a geometric accent wall

Go for it: Paint a geometric accent wall

In a sea of developer gray, sad beige, and panda houses, a dynamic and colorful geometric accent wall is a standout way to add visual interest and personality to your living space. Not only renter-friendly, this type of paint project looks precise, but is deceptively easy to pull off.

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Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and DCPS Chancellor Ferebee celebrate Women’s History Month at Dorothy Height Elementary School

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and DCPS Chancellor Ferebee celebrate Women’s History Month at Dorothy Height Elementary School

On March 24th Dorothy Height Elementary School welcomed Congresswomen Eleanor Homes Norton and DCPS Chancellor Lewis Ferebee to help them celebrate Women’s History Month on the school’s namesake’s birthday.

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Ward 4 literacy gets a boost and a lot of books from local non-profit

Ward 4 literacy gets a boost and a lot of books from local non-profit

Last month, An Open Book Foundation partnered with local school librarians to help promote literacy in Wards 4 and 5 by bringing authors and their books into local Title I schools.

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Petworth blooms again as Spring rains bring colors to our neighborhoods

Petworth blooms again as Spring rains bring colors to our neighborhoods

Spring has officially arrived for us in the northern hemisphere, and so have the spring flowers. As usually, daffodils are the first big display of flowers you’ll see in the neighborhood. These easy to grow bulbs come in various shades of white, yellow and orange.

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We're throwing a party, and you're invited!

We're throwing a party, and you're invited!

Join us on Friday, March 24th at 7pm on the third floor of Commonwealth Cantina (3911 Georgia Ave NW) for a party celebrating Carol Herwig and George Morgan, and wishing them all the best as they get ready to head up north to Maine.

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Petworth lost a playground. An ANC commissioner is organizing to bring it back

Petworth lost a playground. An ANC commissioner is organizing to bring it back

A playground north of Grant Circle has been falling apart for years. It’s a popular destination for families with young children who want a small, safe space to meet and have kids play. Instead of upgrading it, the National Park Service which owns and manages the land, removed the playground. Against what feels like an immovable force, ANC Commissioner Brittany Kademian is trying to bring the playground back.

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Stabbing at the Petworth library takes one man's life

Stabbing at the Petworth library takes one man's life

On Thursday evening, March 2nd around 7pm, a man using the computers at the Petworth library was stabbed by another man. The victim died at the scene.

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Two Petworth parents advocate for more DPR swim lessons

Two Petworth parents advocate for more DPR swim lessons

As every parent who has ever tried to sign their child up for DPR swim lessons knows, it’s next to impossible. In Ward 4, DPR lessons are only offered at Takoma Rec Center, not at Roosevelt High School nor at any outdoor pools like Upshur.

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An Upshur Street original: This Old “Petworth” House (part 3)

An Upshur Street original: This Old “Petworth” House (part 3)

Carol Herwig bought her rowhouse on the 600 block of Upshur Street NW in 1985, back when mortgage companies were reluctant to work with women, she told me. She’s managed to retain so much original wood throughout the house.

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Petworth Porchfest is coming back, and you can play or volunteer a porch!

Petworth Porchfest is coming back, and you can play or volunteer a porch!

The wildly popular and successful community-wide music festival, Petworth Porchfest, returns for its third year on Saturday, April 22, 2023 from 2pm - 6pm.

Here’s all the ways you (or your business) can get involved!

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Barnard Choir embodies school buzzword of “perseverance”

Barnard Choir embodies school buzzword of “perseverance”

The choir is one of Barnard Elementary school’s brightest gems. Under the direction of music director Joel Lehman, the choir at Barnard Elementary School has given the students an outlet to sing in front of their school community, street festivals, and even in front of Vice President Kamala Harris at her house last year.

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This Old Petworth House: Fireplaces galore on Otis Street NW

This Old Petworth House: Fireplaces galore on Otis Street NW

This is the second of a series of articles that will showcase some of the unique original features of our Petworth houses.

Larry Ray, owner of a rowhouse at 10th and Otis St NW in North Columbia Heights, was kind enough to invite me over to show me his unique old house. His home is one of six rowhouses built in 1898 at that corner.

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