Reader Request: What's with the lights at 13th, Kansas & Quebec — oh, and at Florida & 9th?

Reader Request: What's with the lights at 13th, Kansas & Quebec — oh, and at Florida & 9th?

A reader sent me an email asking a complicated question about how the traffic patterns and lights are meant to work at 13th and Quincy Streets and Kansas Avenue. Then, as a quick follow up, what’s going on with the new lanes at 9th and Florida?

So I asked DDOT…

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A new home-based bakery is making people happy

A new home-based bakery is making people happy

Hannah Wolfman-Arent knows a thing or two about baking. Born in DC, raised in Takoma Park and now living in Petworth, Hannah has wanted to be a baker since she was little. Her ultimate goal was in front of her, as she first worked for a community service organization after college before being encouraged by friends and colleagues to go after her dream. During Covid times she decided to take a chance and open Velvel Bakery. You’ll be happy she did.

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Sherman Circle Spooktacular is a Halloween event for the family this weekend!

Sherman Circle Spooktacular is a Halloween event for the family this weekend!

Come out and join your neighbors for the Sherman Circle Spooktacular (3-6 pm, Oct 30, Sherman Circle NW and surrounds), a FREE family Halloween event planned by Petworth Peanuts.

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Come out for spooky local theatre & storytelling at a Petworth neighbor’s house

Come out for spooky local theatre & storytelling at a Petworth neighbor’s house

Spirits: Double Vision, performed at a neighbor’s house in Petworth, brings together a group of 10-15 actors from around DC to perform ghost stories of their choice, in their own unique style, along with performances by Sam’s Heartbreak Trio, leading the audience through an evening of ghostly fables and mysterious yarns.

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Dia de los Muertos at the Petworth Market Sat Oct 29th, community procession on Nov 2

Dia de los Muertos at the Petworth Market Sat Oct 29th, community procession on Nov 2

The Petworth Arts Collaborative is hosting El Dia de los Muertos on Saturday, October 29th at the Petworth Farmers’ Market (9th & Upshur).

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What's going on with the election in 4C05?

What's going on with the election in 4C05?

The election for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner for Single Member District 4C05 is the only competitive race in 4C, pitting current Commissioner Paul Johnson against newcomer Brittany Kademian. Johnson serves as the commissioner for ANC 4C07, but his SMD will change to 4C05 with the changes to the boundaries next year.

Without question, this is a race filled with controversy and disagreement.

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Rue Cafe brings coffee and more community to 14th Street

Rue Cafe brings coffee and more community to 14th Street

The minute I walked into Rue Cafe on 14th Street, I felt utterly at home. Between the soft lighting, comfy looking chairs, and gentle white noise of people hanging out and coffee being made, it was clearly the kind of place you want to stay for a while.

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A Petworth neighbor shows how installing a “green roof” yields multiple benefits

A Petworth neighbor shows how installing a “green roof” yields multiple benefits

One of our Petworth neighbors, Annette Olson, has taken an age-old idea for using the otherwise unused space on her roof and updated it with modern science to save energy, water and money over time — as well as helping to fight climate change and flooding. This was Annette’s goal 10 years ago when she installed a green roof on her rowhouse and it’s been paying off in many ways for her.

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MacFarland's new Principal is a Petworth resident and a DCPS parent

MacFarland's new Principal is a Petworth resident and a DCPS parent

This year MacFarland Middle School welcomed a new principal, Lucas Cooke. Cooke spent the last five years as principal of Hardy Middle School and is excited to now lead Petworth’s neighborhood middle school. Cooke is a Petworth resident and a parent of children in a MacFarland feeder school. Petworth News had the opportunity to walk around the school and talk to the new principal candidly about his goals and challenges he faces as he steps into his new role.

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Join your neighbors for a 311 "Sidewalk Palooza" and fix up the sidewalks

Join your neighbors for a 311 "Sidewalk Palooza" and fix up the sidewalks

ANC Commissioners Jonah Goodman and Alan Wehler, along with Brittany Kademian (VP of Petworth Peanuts and ANC 4C05 candidate) are organizing an afternoon to fix the neighborhood sidewalks. They’re inviting everyone to come out to Grand Circle on Monday, October 17th from 5-6pm to join the fun.

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Guenet rebounds from pandemic and graces Petworth with Gueny’s Café

Guenet rebounds from pandemic and graces Petworth with Gueny’s Café

Guenet Tadesse reevaluated her passion for food service and decided what better way to get delicious food in front of the DC community than by opening a restaurant? She compiled the profits from her catering business and Gueny’s Café on Georgia Avenue was born.

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New Petworth Social Bar & Grill hopes to open before the holidays

New Petworth Social Bar & Grill hopes to open before the holidays

There’s been a lot of attention on what kind of restaurant is coming to 821 Upshur Street NW, and now we know: Petworth Social Bar & Grill. Owner Ranu Rawat and Chef James Oakely say they’re excited to open the Southern style American cuisine restaurant in Petworth, looking forward to connecting with the community.

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DC releases updated plans for Kennedy Street

DC releases updated plans for Kennedy Street

Last month DC’s Office of Planning quietly released a streetscape design for Kennedy Street, specifically between Georgia Avenue and North Capitol Street.

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Get excited! Celebrate Petworth is this Sunday, 9/18!

Get excited! Celebrate Petworth is this Sunday, 9/18!

The Celebrate Petworth Festival is back for another amazing event on the 800 block of Upshur Street NW starting at 11am. Every year this event gets better and better, and this year will be no exception! Join your neighbors, local vendors and restaurants, and Drew as your emcee for the day (yay!).

Here’s what to expect for the day:

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